Blog Entries - 2017

Not Your Grandfather’s Mortuary School
On-Site Clinical Facilities The on-site lab facilities at CCMS are truly one of a kind. Designed specifically for our students, our three independent labs allow students to gain practical, hands-on experience. During
November 2017 Newsletter
Check out this month’s newsletter for everything Gala! You’ll find info on buying tickets, parking, the official Gala app, our sponsors, and more! See our newsletter

CCMS student named a 2017 “Ones to Watch”
CCMS student Mika Ziv has been named a “2017 Ones to Watch” by the American Funeral Director! This honor recognizes students who more than make the grade in school, in their jobs and in their
Congrats certified celebrants!
Congratulations to the Fall 2016-17 cohort on completing the In-Sight Certified Celebrant training! These students are now certified to offer families unique funeral services that honor the personality of the deceased.