A fond farewell to Mrs. Kloss!
After more than 5 years of teaching, faculty member and alumna Melissa Kloss is moving out of the area with her family. Join us in wishing her the best of luck!
Back to School – When the Teacher Becomes the Student
I think that one of the biggest misconceptions that people have when they consider attending a college like the Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science is that their career options will be limited to the funeral
CCMS Students Win SCI Scholarships
Congratulations to four CCMS students on winning the Service Corporation International scholarship! Great job, Vanessa Leon-Verde, Jamie Fisher, Mallory Price, and Kelsey Yantz. Jamie Fisher will be going to Texas for the final round! This is the most awards made to CCMS students.
What a CCMS Education Offers That Others Can’t
At Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science, we are proud to be a leader in funeral service education. While there are many reputable institutions across the country, none can match the level of training and learning
3 Steps to Becoming A Funeral Director
There are few professions that are as rewarding as being a funeral director. When a family loses a loved one and is experiencing an incredibly difficult time, they turn to you for assistance. By serving a family, you
Not Your Grandfather’s Mortuary School
On-Site Clinical Facilities The on-site lab facilities at CCMS are truly one of a kind. Designed specifically for our students, our three independent labs allow students to gain practical, hands-on experience. During