Robert Boetticher on State Funerals
Do you know the origin of Taps? Or the protocol for whose funeral is permitted to be held in the National Cathedral? Do you know the difference between a person lying in state and lying in honor? Come to a special
Your 2019 Cincinnati Travel Guide
When a student gets accepted to multiple universities and colleges, they have to look at each of the prospective schools and see what they have to offer. A big part of that comparison is examining the city the school is
Grief and the Holidays
Sometimes the holidays don’t feel so…..special. For many, this season is a time to gather with family and friends and is chock full of love, joy, and celebration. However, if you are mourning a loved one, the
Managing Stress During Exam Season
Stress levels can peak for students as a semester comes to an end. Whether preparing for final exam week, comprehensive practice exams or wrapping up course assignments, it is perfectly natural to experience increased
The CCMS Co-Op Experience
Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Mortuary Science program each benefit from a unique learning experience following the completion of their fourth semester on-campus courses. The funeral service co-op is a 6-week
Funeral Celebrants: Honoring the Deceased through Story
CCMS recognized that the non-traditional and secular needs of families were not always being met. This inspired us to transform death care education by establishing a licensing partnership with InSightTM Institute to