Alumni and Support
1882 Alumni Society

As a CCMS alumnus, you know how seriously we take our mission of educating the next generation of funeral service professionals.
We're proud of our reputation as the "Harvard of Mortuary Science," which we have worked very hard to preserve for over 135 years. But we're not resting on our laurels. We're leading the way in deathcare education through the construction of the nation's only Educational Crematory Center (ECC).
That's where you come in! By joining the 1882 Alumni Society, which honors the rich history of Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science while also paving a way for the future, you won't just be showing your CCMS pride. You'll also be helping us build this important facility, right here on our Cincinnati campus.
Click here to join the 1882 Alumni Society.
2021 Society Members
We thank you for your support! View members by clicking circle levels below.
President's Circle
Marlan Gary
Rob Rue
Karen Sharpe
Robert Smith
Founder's Circle
Ada Fraley
Brian James
Marie McCune
Mark Schneider
Partner's Circle
Van Caradras
Stephen Herget
William Peoples
Timothy Schmidt
Supporter's & Apprentice's Circles
Jonathan Brandon
Louis Crow
Jeffrey Keller
Robert Mayhew
Kimberly Ogle
Samuel Walters
Jodi Lucas
Noah Schlabach
Gina Lee Terry
Society Circles
All 1882 Society Members will receive invitations to special alumni events. Each member will be recognized on the CCMS website in the 1882 Alumni Society Roster. Membership is renewable on an annual basis. Membership donations made between 2020 and 2022 will be used specifically for the construction of the new Educational Cremation Center (ECC). Members of the following Society Circles will receive additional benefits, as seen below.
$5,000 – Visionary’s Circle
- Invitation to private lunch with CCMS President
- Profile article in Mortuary Minutes newsletter
- Recognition in social media posts
- Invitation to ECC Grand Opening
- Name on ECC donor wall
- T-shirt
- Mug
- CCMS lapel pin
- Invitation to 1882 Alumni Society events
- Name listed on 1882 Society Roster and Mortuary Minutes newsletter
$1000 – President’s Circle
- Invitation to private lunch with CCMS President
- Recognition in social media posts
- Invitation to ECC Grand Opening
- Name on ECC donor wall
- T-shirt
- Mug
- CCMS lapel pin
- Invitation to 1882 Alumni Society events
- Name listed on 1882 Society Roster and Mortuary Minutes newsletter
$500 – Founder’s Circle
- Invitation to ECC Grand Opening
- Recognition in social media posts
- Name on ECC donor wall
- T-shirt
- Mug
- CCMS lapel pin
- Invitation to 1882 Alumni Society events
- Name listed on 1882 Society Roster and Mortuary
$250 –Partner’s Circle
- Recognition in social media posts
- T-shirt
- Mug
- CCMS lapel pin
- Invitation to 1882 Alumni Society events
- Name listed on 1882 Society Roster
$100 – Supporter’s Circle
- Recognition in social media posts
- T-shirt
- CCMS lapel pin
- Invitation to 1882 Alumni Society events
- Name listed on 1882 Society Roster
$50 – Apprentice’s Circle
- Recognition in social media posts
- Invitation to 1882 Alumni Society events
- Name listed on 1882 Society Roster