
Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF I/HEERF II/HEERFIII) Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students

As a part of the CARES, CRRSAA, and ARP Acts, Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science was awarded Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF), which provides grants to assist student needs as a result of COVID-19. Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science signed and returned to the Department of Education the Certification and Agreement stating that we will use no less than 50 percent of funds received to provide direct grants to eligible students who were affected the national pandemic.

An estimated 211 students are eligible to receive Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds.

The Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science has distributed $142,121.45 in HEERF I and HEERF II Emergency Financial Relief Funds to 142 students (unduplicated count) as of September 30, 2021. The College also distributed the final HEERF III relief funds totaling $154,379.00 to 103 students (unduplicated count). Disclosures for all distributions are provided below.

The college has expended and distributed all student allocated HEERF Relief Funds.

Disclosing HEERF Disbursements and Methods to Determine Eligibility

CCMS is required to disclose Higher Education Emergency Relief (HEERF) Grant distributions received under Section 18004(a)(1) and the methods used to determine eligibility.

Grants received and disbursed as of September 30, 2021 and the methods used to determine eligibility for HEERF I, HEERF II, and HEERF III relief funds is provided below.


           HEERF I Direct Grants to Students - Spring 2020 (CARES/HEERF I)

Spring 2020 Distribution Dates:          June 9, 2020 / June 22, 2020 / June 27, 2020

Funds Distributed:                               $60,520

Number of Students:                            89

The college distributed an equal share of allocated CARES/HEERF I funds to each eligible student in a one-time automatic payment of $680.00 on the above dates. Grant funds were not applied to outstanding tuition balances, as they were intended to assist students with COVID-19 related expenses and remote instruction during a national emergency. All eligible students were issued a check either hand delivered by the President, picked up by the student at the College, or delivered by mail.



·         Enrolled in Spring 2020 face-to-face courses as of May 13, 2020

·         Degree-seeking

·         U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen as determined by the FAFSA, and 

·         Filed a current FAFSA with a valid Expected Family Contribution (EFC) as of March 13, 2020.


           HEERF II Direct Grants to Students - Spring 2021 (CRRSAA/HEERF II)

Spring 2021 Distribution Dates:          March 17, 2021

Funds Distributed:                               $81,601.45

Number of Students:                            83

The college distributed an equal share of allocated CRRSAA/HEERF II funds to each eligible student in a one-time automatic payment of $983.15 on the above date to include $67,340 + $6,320 of CARES Student Portion + $7,941.45 of CARES Institutional Portion . Grant funds were not applied to outstanding tuition balances, as they were intended to assist students with COVID-19 related expenses and remote instruction during a national emergency. All eligible students were issued a check either hand delivered by the President, picked up by the student at the College, or delivered by mail.


·         Enrolled in Spring 2021 at least half-time,

·         Degree-seeking,

·         U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen as determined by the FAFSA, and

·         Filed a 2020–21 FAFSA with a valid Expected Family Contribution (EFC)


          HEERF III Direct Grants to Students - Fall 2021 (ARP/HEERF III)

Fall 2021 Distribution Dates:                Dec. 1, 2021 - Dec. 31, 2021

Funds Distribution:                               $154,379.00

Number of Students:                             103

August 2021, the college received $154,379 in ARP/HEERF III grant relief funds allocated to students. All eligible students received a one-time automatic disbursement using specified criteria based on student's Estimated Family Contribution (EFC). 


·         Enrolled in Fall 2021 at least half-time,

·         Degree-seeking,

·         U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen as determined by the FAFSA, and

·         Filed a 2021–22 FAFSA with a valid Expected Family Contribution (EFC)

The method for calculating disbursement amounts was as follows:


EFC Range         Amount

0 - 5,711             2,600.00 

5712 - 12,000     1,820.00 

12,001 - 20,000  1,040.00 

>20001                  260.00 

Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting:

Grantee institutions receiving HEERF awards publicly post certain grant information on the institution’s website as part of the reporting requirements. Grantees will post a report for every calendar quarter with the initial report for expenditures through the end of the calendar quarter September 30, 2021.

September 30, 2020

December 31, 2020

March 31, 2021

June 30, 2021

September 30, 2021

December 31, 2021

March 31, 2022

June 30, 2022

September 30, 2022

September 30, 2023