About CCMS
Student Body

Each year CCMS attracts students from all over the United States.
The typical student body contains representatives from 18-20 different states and will be approximately 40% male and 60% female. The students are diverse in age (19-60, with an average age of 24), experience, and educational background.
The diversity of students results in exposure to a national perspective on funeral service and to a broad perspective on life.

Student organizations
CCMS offers female students the opportunity to be a member of Delta Gamma Pi, a sorority established at CCMS in 1994. Delta Gamma Pi maintains an informal atmosphere of acquaintance and promotes an awareness of female contributions to the profession of funeral service. For more information, contact Ms. Dutko.
In 1930, CCMS chartered the alpha chapter of Pi Sigma Eta. In 1984, responding to the belief that a more modern concept was required, CCMS again chartered a new professional and educational fraternity, Alpha Tau Epsilon. The fraternity sponsors activities, a scholarship program, local field trips, and guest speakers during the year. The fraternity sponsors various fund-raising activities and sells a variety of T-shirts, coffee cups, sweatshirts, and other items to raise money for yearly projects. For more information, contact Mr. Vinnedge.
Each incoming class will elect a student body President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, and two Class Representatives. The elected officers plan activities, participate in CCMS events, act as ambassadors to visitors, and work to create an inclusive environment for all students. For more information, contact Ms. Dutko.

Each class has students who excel academically. These students and their accomplishments are recognized during Commencement, as well as formally noted on students’ diplomas and official transcripts with the placement of the National Phi Theta Kappa emblem seal, to forever reflect their exceptional achievement.