About CCMS
Library Use Policy

To maintain a safe environment conducive to study, all users are prohibited from engaging in the following activities in the library and media center:
1. Eating or drinking uncovered beverages
2. Possessing alcohol, drugs, illegal substances, or weapons
3. Behaving in an abusive, sexual, or harassing manner
4. Stealing or defacing library materials, college property, or other’s private property
5. Selling, soliciting, panhandling, or loitering on library property
6. Being intoxicated or impaired
7. Emitting strong body odors that interfere with or disrupt others from using the library
8. Using furniture, library equipment, and facilities in a manner for which they were not intended
9. Duplicating or distributing copyrighted materials outside the guidelines of academic fair use
10. Accessing pornographic and other offensive materials
11. Violating the terms of the Information Technology Usage Policy
12. Engaging in any behavior that disrupts other library users
13. Any other action deemed inappropriate by college administration
Any breach of these policies will be considered a violation of the student code of conduct.
For more information on the library and its policies and mission, see the college’s website and Student Handbook, or any or contact the Director of Learning Resources.