About CCMS
Circulation Policy

Checking out items
To check out an item, simply bring it to the Library Director. Not all items in the collection are permitted to circulate, see Circulation Cheat Sheet below for details. CCMS students, faculty, and staff may check out circulating materials. Alumni and visitors may utilize library resources on-site, but may not check out items.
Returning items
Items should be handed to the Library Director during normal business hours. If the Library Director is not available, or if returning after-hours, items may be returned via the book return bin in the library or given to another staff member. All library materials must be returned prior to a student leaving CCMS for any reason, including Co-op, graduation, or withdrawal.
Renewing items
Items that have a hold on them may not be renewed. After a student has renewed an item the maximum number of times allowed, the item must be entered back into circulation for a period of at least 1 day before it can be checked out again by the same student. See Circulation Cheat Sheet below for more details.
Placing holds
Students may place a hold on an item that is checked out or in processing. Holds can be placed via Populi or by consulting the Library Director.
Lost items
Items not returned in a reasonable amount of time are automatically marked lost in Populi and are charged to the student’s account. The cost will be determined by a number of factors, including current retail price, historic value, etc. See Circulation Cheat Sheet below for information on when items are marked lost in the system.
Damaged items
If a student returns an item that is damaged beyond the reasonable wear and tear expected of circulating materials, the student will be charged the replacement cost. The cost will be determined by a number of factors, including current retail price, historic value, etc.
Circulation Overview Chart
The following circulation chart provides information on lending materials, loaning and renewal periods, holds, and more....