About CCMS
Lab Assistants
Qualified enrolled students are eligible to apply for paid clinical assistant employment opportunities. Lab Assistants support the needs of our lab during scheduled times under the guidance of the CCMS Clinical Director.
Accepted and confirmed students will receive information about student employment opportunities with their Student Enrollment Guide. Only enrolled students are eligible to apply for student employment opportunities.
Question? lab@ccms.edu

Alex Whitley
Spring 2022-2023
Hello, I'm Alex and I've been living in Cincinnati for the past four years now. I'm a lab assistant for the spring 2022 semester and I'm going to be a first-generation funeral director and embalmer. I received my Associates Degree from Terra State Community College and I am looking forward to gaining the knowledge and insight I need to be a well-rounded and respected death care provider here at CCMS. In my spare time I like to listen to podcasts, watch documentaries, and hang out with my puppy and bunny. I am excited to assist all our future students and cannot wait to see them on campus. If you any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Britt McWilliams
Spring 2022-2023
Hello all! My name is Britt McWilliams I am from Lawrenceburg, Indiana. I attended Ivy Tech Community College where I completed my Associates degree. I will be a first-generation funeral director and embalmer with no prior experience. I was drawn to the death care industry after the passing of several family members and helping my loved ones with the arrangement process. I look forward to gaining experience and lifelong knowledge while being a Clinical lab assistant here at CCMS. Please feel free to email me!